Saturday, November 29, 2008

People versus Stuff

Speaking, once again, about passion...

What are the people of the USA passionate about? Apparently, some New Yorkers are so passionate about stuff, they were willing to trample a man to death in a Wal-Mart store, while rushing through the doors to get to the sale merchandise.

Having spent over fourteen years working in retail, I understand the Christmas feeding frenzy. Once, while supervising a Blue Light Special promotion, I had to physically climb up on a Blue Light machine to avoid being trampled by a crowd of shoppers. It's a frightening thing to face a wild eyed tsunami of flesh surging toward a bargain.

Rather than condemn those complicit in this truly "Black Friday" event, I instead feel drawn to examine my own heart. Is there anything I want so badly that I am willing to knock down, or walk over, others to get it? If I am not up for a physical confrontation, am I willing to knock others over with my words? And what about my heart? Do I trample others with my thoughts?

God, please help me to be content with what I have, to pursue peace, and to always value people over stuff. Amen.