Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm Back...

I am a pathetic example of a blogger, I know. Bloggers are supposed to blog at least once-per-week. I haven't blogged in six months. YIKES! But I refuse to give-in to the urge to deep-six the blog. Truth be told, I spent the summer preparing for the seminary courses I taught in the fall. Then I spent most of the fall fighting repeated episodes of the flu, along with juggling all my work, family, and ministry responsibilities. (Is that TMI?)

Much has happened in the past six months. Some of it blog-worthy. But I spent all my extra time writing for publication (my goal these days is to send out a minimum of three pieces per month). So the blog was, again, neglected.

Perhaps this new year will bring a renewed effort to communicate via the blog. This tiny post is a good start…