Monday, June 27, 2011

Help Others Grow

June 27, 2011This past weekend, I had the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Jim Watkins (editor for Wesleyan Publishing House and ACW Press), Dave Branon (writer for Our Daily Bread), and Bob Hostetler (author) at a local American Christian Writer’s Conference. Though each presentation was filled with useful information, it was the generous spirit of the presenters that amazed me. Each instructor was available to the conference participants during breaks and meals. They gave encouragement as well as information. They were gracious, kind, and selfless in their interactions with us.

As they shared parts of their journeys (including having trouble keeping current on their blogs, the necessity of keeping a day job while feeding the freelance habit, and the difficulties of publishing in today’s market), I was encouraged to discover I am not alone; It appears professional writers have the same challenges and suffer the same indignities as the rest of us. I was reminded that it’s possible to remain positive despite the demise of so many magazines and publishing houses. That God is still in charge. And that God has given each of us a gift and we are called to bless others through a responsible use of that gift.

What do you know that others need to know? Are you willing to share your expertise with others? Whatever your gift or specialty, it’s likely there are others around you who could benefit from learning what you know. Find someone today and share a word of encouragement or instruction. Spread God’s blessing to you among those you know and watch God’s Kingdom grow.

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